FCA4AN: Friends, Concepts & Accoustics 4 Amedeo Napoli

This workshop aims at reminiscing scientific work, friendly moments and funny stories that we all shared with Amedeo, and to which you are warmly invited!
For those remotely, we will send you a zoom link: please, contact: miguel.couceiro[at]loria.fr

Preliminary program:

09h00-09h30: Yannick Toussaint & medal ceremony
09h30-09h45: Sergey O. Kuznetsov
09h45-10h00: Marianne Huchard
10h00-10h15: Florence Le Ber
10h15-10h30: Mehdi Kaytoue
10h30-10h45: Karell Bertet

10h45-11h15: Break

11h15-11h30: Jaume Bauxeries
11h30-11h45: Tanya Makhalova
11h45-12h00: Jéme Euzenat
12h00-12h15: Mehwish Alam
12h15-12h30: Miguel Couceiro & Pierre Monnin
12h30-14h00: Lunch (Buffet)